Multi-material support structures for maximum strength with minimum weight

Body development for all types of vehicles
Our strength in the development of lightweight systems and components is fully reflected in the development of all types of body structures:
Spaceframe/Tube frames
Made from high-strength steels, aluminum, magnesium, plastics, and especially composite materials such as carbon fiber (CFRP), fiberglass (GFRP), and more.

Concept & design
Holistic expertise in system conception
In chassis development, we consider factors such as safety, performance, handling, comfort, and cost. Essential for the development of self-supporting and skeletal bodies are:
Requirements analysis: Defining the vehicle class, usage, weight, number of passengers, and more.
Definition of construction goals: Goals such as weight optimization, strength, rigidity, and crashworthiness.
Material selection: Planning based on function, joining techniques, corrosion protection, and quality requirements.
Structural analysis and design: CAD modeling and finite element analysis of various chassis designs.

Design in CAD
Manufacturing-optimized modeling of components
We develop chassis and underbody assemblies and integrate them into the complete vehicle with all relevant interfaces. The following design areas are specifically offered for composite assemblies:
Component design and manufacturing-oriented optimization
Model and mold design
Fixtures for finishing and component assembly
Optimization for CNC machining
Design of laminate structure
CAD-based cutting plan creation
Creation of manufacturing documentation

FIA certified for calculation of safety structures
As one of only a few companies worldwide certified by the World Motorsport Authority FIA to calculate safety structures, we verify critical component functions through Finite-Elemente-Analysis (FEA).
Insights gained from FEA calculations immediately contribute to optimization during the development process:
Geometry preparation for FEA model creation
Calculation of complex structures
Load cases
Non-linear analysis
Determination of strength/stiffness
Topology optimization and shape optimization
Fatigue strength verification
Calculation of composite fiber structures
Calculation and analysis of composite/plastic materials
Crash simulation
Transient mechanics
Modal analysis

Multi-material systems for prototypes and series
Gerne nutzen wir unser umfangreiches Lieferanten-Netzwerk und übernehmen bzw. unterstützen Sie bei der Auswahl eines geeigneten Fertigungsverfahrens, wie z.B.:
Pressen (Tiefziehen und Stanzen)
additive Fertigung (3D-Druck),
Autoklav-Verfahren (Faserverbund)
sowie Finishing-Verfahren, wie Schleifen und Beschichten (Lackieren, Galvanisieren uvm.)
Bei Bedarf übernehmen wir gerne auch die abschließende Qualitätssicherung:
Technische Dokumentation

Assembly of complete body structures
We organize, schedule, and document the assembly of chassis complete systems in our in-house prototype workshop, or manage small series production and take care of quality control.
In this way, a complete vehicle body is created from individual components.